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Anxiety Counselling

Medicare & PRIVATE HEALTH REBATES | FLEXIBLE hours & weekend appointments



What is Anxiety?

Anxiety is a natural and usually short-lived reaction to a stressful situation, associated with feelings of worry, nervousness or apprehension.
It typically occurs in new, unfamiliar or challenging situations, where the person might not feel up to the task, or where the outcome is uncertain.
The first day of school, sitting an exam, speaking in front of an audience, or attending a job interview are all situations in which most people feel some anxiety.
For people with anxiety disorders however, anxious thoughts, feelings, or physical symptoms are severe, upsetting, frequent, and interrupt daily life.
There are different types of anxiety disorders:

Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterised by persistent and excessive worry, often about daily situations like work, family or health. This worry is difficult to control and interferes with the person’s day-to-day life and relationships.
Specific phobia involves extreme anxiety and fear of particular objects or situations. Common phobias include fear of flying, fear of spiders and other animals, and fear of injections.

Panic disorder is characterised by the experience of repeated and unexpected panic attacks – sudden surges of overwhelming fear and anxiety accompanied by physical symptoms such as chest pain, heart palpitations, dizziness and breathlessness. In panic disorder, these panic attacks come ‘out of the blue’ with no apparent trigger.

Agoraphobia involves intense anxiety in situations and places where the person feels it would be difficult for them to get out quickly or get help if needed. This includes situations such as using public transport, being in a lift or a cinema, standing in a queue, being in a crowd, or being outside of the home alone.
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) presents in people as recurring, persistent and distressing thoughts, images or impulses known as obsessions (e.g., a fear of catching germs), or feeling compelled to carry out certain repetitive behaviours, rituals or mental acts, known as compulsions (e.g., handwashing). Some people with OCD have both obsessions and compulsions. These thoughts and behaviours can take over a person’s life and, while people with OCD usually know that their obsessions and compulsions are an overreaction, they feel they are unable to stop them.

Social anxiety disorder is characterised by severe anxiety about being criticised or viewed negatively by others. This leads the person to avoid social events and other social situations for fear of doing something that leads to embarrassment or humiliation.

Common causes of anxiety

While there is no single known cause of anxiety disorders, there are a number of risk factors or triggers that may contribute. These differ between the different anxiety disorders but in general, the following factors may play a role.

Certain anxiety disorders appear to have a genetic component, with some anxiety disorders running in families.

Some anxiety disorders might have a basis in how the brain processes and responds to stress and physical arousal, and how the body releases stress hormones such as adrenalin.

Thinking style
Patterns of thinking characterised by anticipating the worst, persistent negative self-talk, difficulty accepting uncertainty and low self-esteem are often linked to anxiety. Sensitivity to your body’s physical responses, such as increased heart rate, and misinterpreting these physical symptoms as indicating something catastrophic might also increase the risk of developing certain anxiety disorders.

Coping strategies
Unhelpful coping strategies, such as a tendency to avoid situations that trigger the person’s anxiety, rather than facing such situations, can increase the risk for developing an anxiety disorder.

Stressful life events can trigger an anxiety disorder.

  • relationship breakdown
  • work or school deadlines
  • financial hardship
  • early life stress and trauma can also increase the likelihood of developing an anxiety disorder later in life.

How do I know if I or a loved one has anxiety?

Symptoms of anxiety include:

  • difficulty concentrating
  • restlessness
  • rapid heartbeat
  • trembling or shaking
  • feeling light-headed or faint
  • numbness or nausea
  • sweating
  • avoidance.

Attending appointments with our Thinking Families professionals can be very helpful in providing support and comfort while giving you a chance to speak about the effects that anxiety has on you.

It is important to not place blame, or a become angry or frustrated when anxiety strikes. Our practice provides the caring and supportive environment you need to express your inner frustrations, without rushing your own healing process.

Why choose us?

We have extensive experience, knowledge and skills in working with a range of age groups suffering from anxiety.

We are:

  • Compassionate
  • Understanding
  • Empathetic
  • Caring
  • Supportive

Anxiety often feels as though you have no control over your own life. At Thinking Families, we show you where your anxious triggers come from, and guide you towards healing thoughts and beliefs that reduce, and remove anxiety.

Isn’t it time you started living your own life again?

How we can help you

We have created unique strategies for working with and supporting bright and busy minds in managing anxiety while encouraging calm problem solving.

Our team is highly knowledgeable in the development of growth and mental health and can help show you how to manage and overcome the anxiety that is controlling your everyday life.

New to counselling?
What to expect.

Counselling for anxiety may be very beneficial.

Our counsellors work on the causes of your anxiety, showing you how to deal with the causes as well as providing a support network.

Often in the first session of counselling, we will encourage you to share your story and get to know the causes of your anxious triggers.

We pride ourselves on our open and honest communication style, giving you the time and space to express your feelings as well as the clear and actionable steps you can take to move forward and leave anxiety in the past.


We are located at 87 Baroona Rd, Paddington, QLD, 4064


Frequently Asked Questions

  • No. However if you do get a referral you can claim rebate through Medicare

  • Yes, but a 24 hour business notice or charges may apply.

  • The standard rate is $190 for each session.

  • Yes. Any age groups, genders, backgrounds, social classes, race etc can attend counselling sessions and can bring a supportive member along to attend sessions.

  • Counselling is one of the most effective way to overcome and handle anxiety disorder.